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Education DIY
Welcome, dear seekers of independence and empowerment.
Here at “Education & DIY”, where the magic of knowledge and self discovery converge in our sacred space.
This section is a true haven to expand your knowledge and skills through the power of your own capabilities. Here you will discover the secrets of how to give back to yourself by learning new skills like Human Design , Reiki, Astrologie, or even advanced Manifestation techniques.
You will tune in into the rhythm of Mother Earth during our perma culture workshop, or produce new abilities for your physical avatar by learning about Acroyoga, Yoga alignment or Slacklining.
If you are still not having enough, our remote viewing and lucid dreaming trance classes will truly nourish your mind and soul, providing you with the tools to expand your imagination even further.
Come and discover the power of education, unleash your inner alchemist and free your limitless potential. Do not miss this great opportunity to become a true master of your avatar and start actively shaping your own future.
Alchemy of touch
Womb cleansing ceremony
By Maya Earth Sky
mindful Intimacy
Viv Kan
lucid dreaming Trance
with Joana
5 Element Qi gong
with Ahma
The secrets of Sensual Dance
David & Lika
Systemic Family constellation
Anja Amelung
MFR-self massage technique
Vera Kundalini